We support people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to find help, hope and purpose in their lives.
We provide individualised, evidence-based and recovery focussed support to more than 11,000 people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns in Australia every year.
We partner with health, community, and government organisations to provide holistic support and a safe environment for people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to live in the community.
We have been providing mental health and wellbeing support to people, and their families, friends and carers, for more than 40 years.
We are:
one of the largest providers of community-managed psychosocial services in Australia with a range of residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online services
a leading employer of people with lived experience of mental ill-health, recognising their unique ability to connect with and motivate clients and guide recovery
one of the leading specialist community housing providers in Australia for people experiencing a psychosocial disability
a registered NDIS provider, entrusted to deliver federal and state government funded services across Australia

Our approach

We know that every individual's journey to a life of meaning and purpose is unique, which is why our support services are flexible and offer genuine choice and control.
Mind provides practical and motivational support to people 16 - 64 years of age who have a range of mental health and wellbeing concerns. We work with clients to set goals, and develop the
knowledge and skills to achieve them. We focus on our clients’ strengths, values and support preferences to improve:
1. quality of life
2. daily living skills
3. capacity for self-care
4. mental and physical health
5. social and relationship skills
6. housing, education and employment.
We also work with people to address poverty, housing, education and employment.
We also have practitioners able to provide specialised therapies to address more complex behaviours and needs. This includes supporting people who have intellectual disability and mental health and wellbeing concerns.
Find out more about our services.

Ryan's story

Chris in front of his mappings
“Without it I don’t think I could function. It’s my whole reason for living – I love it.”

Lived experience

Committed to lived experience inclusion and leadership
Mind is a recognised leader in the delivery and innovation of lived experience approaches in mental ill-health. We strive for meaningful participation with clients, carers and families, to co-design processes and challenge biases. We value the diverse perspectives of people with lived experience of mental ill-health across service design, governance, business development and senior leadership. We have a strong commitment to employing peer practitioners across all service models, as well as employing staff in designated lived experience roles in other key departments (10% of our workforce in 2021). We also ensure our Board and senior leadership includes people with lived experience. Find out more about Mind's Lived Experience Strategy.


Connecting clients to holistic community-based supports to enhance recovery
Collaboration and partnership are hallmarks of Mind’s service ethos. We have built an extensive network of clinical, community-based, government and non-government partners to achieve the best outcomes for our clients. Mind partners with clients, carers and families to co-design and deliver innovative mental health and wellbeing supports for adults and young people that is aligned with international best practice.
Mind is an NDIS registered provider delivering services through residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online methods. Our partnerships enable Mind to seamlessly connect clients to a range of local supports and services in their own communities, for an integrated and holistic care experience.

Measuring outcomes

Monitoring client recovery, improving service delivery and evaluating our impact
Mind is an industry-leader in utilising real-time data to measure psychosocial mental health outcomes and incorporate that knowledge into improved service design and delivery. Outcome measures enhance Mind’s accountability by enabling us and our clients to assess the effectiveness of our services, keep track of clients’ progress against their recovery plans and provide evidence of success to our funders and partners.

Thought leadership

Striving for social change and informing policy making
Our impact extends beyond service delivery. We invest in research and advocacy to build and translate the evidence about what works in mental health recovery into policy and practice wisdom. As well as our own published research, we’ve contributed our sought-after expertise to state and federal government inquiries, including the landmark Productivity Commission into Mental Health and Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System. Find out more about Policy and Advocacy at Mind.