17 October 2023
Mind Australia is delighted to be the lead provider of four new Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals that will provide support to Greater Dandenong, Melton, and the Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe region.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals support Victorians aged 26 years and over to get mental health and wellbeing treatment, care and support closer to home. All support is free, voluntary and easy to access, and you do not need a referral from your doctor to access help.
Mind provides psychosocial support to help people manage daily activities, rebuild and maintain connections, engage with education and employment, and participate fully in the community. These are supports which help people take positive steps in their recovery journey.
Staff will include qualified peer practitioners, who are trained to draw on their own lived experience of mental ill-health to inspire and support service users in their recovery journey.
Alongside Mind’s person-centred support services, people will be able to access support from key regional health organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health organisations and a variety of other targeted support organisations including LGBTIQA+ support across all regions from Thorne Harbour Health.
Bringing together each partner organisation’s expertise means the Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals can provide specialised, informed and understanding support for the broadest range of people and local community needs.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals adopt a ‘how can we help’ and ‘no wrong door’ approach, to enable more people to access the support they need, including those who have previously been unable to find the right care and/or experienced barriers to accessing services.
Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals provide an opportunity for transforming current service delivery practices for people experiencing mental illness or psychological distress, including those with co-occurring substance use issues.
People with co-occurring mental health and drug and alcohol challenges previously would often receive treatment from separate service providers addressing one issue, rather than receiving integrated care from a single provider.
This new approach is part of the Victorian Government’s commitment to rebuilding Victoria’s mental health and wellbeing system by implementing all 74 recommendations from the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System.
The services are planned to commence with providing telehealth support, with centre-based services to follow.
For free support in your local area call 1300 375 330 or visit betterhealth.vic.gov.au/mhwlocal
Quotes attributable to Mind CEO Gill Callister
“The Victorian government is to be commended for acting on the recommendations made in the Royal Commission into Victoria’s Mental Health System and providing the community with access to fast, free and flexible mental health and wellbeing support.”
“Accessible community-based support like this can make all the difference in helping people address problems before they reach crisis point.”
“Mind is proud to be chosen to lead delivery of these four new services in Greater Dandenong, Melton, and the Greater Bendigo-Loddon-Campaspe region. We will be working with a fantastic range of support organisations so that people in need of mental health and wellbeing support can get the right mix of services to meet their needs.”
“Service users and their families, carers and supporters will experience treatment, care and support that is safe, accessible and non-judgemental and responsive to people’s individual needs and preferences.”
Quote attributable to Victoria’s Minister for Mental Health Ingrid Stitt MP
“The providers are incredibly experienced, with teams of highly qualified mental health professionals who understand the importance of this initial support in reducing the need for more acute care in the future.”
Download the media release (PDF 236 KB)
Media contact: Mind Australia Marketing and Communications Manager Max McLean: [email protected] or 0497 333 545 (Monday – Thursday)
Mind Australia Senior Media Advisor Keagan Ryan: [email protected] or 0474 000 433 (Friday)