4 minute read

Mind Australia has signed the Changing the Landscape Statement to advocate for better, peer led, suicide prevention services for LGBTIQA+SB* people.

The Changing the Landscape campaign is a project of Switchboard Victoria, generously funded by LGBTIQ+ Health Australia’s Mindout Program. 

Significant legislative, social and political changes have improved human rights for LGBTIQA+SB people and communities across Australia, however LGBTIQA+SB people, their loved ones, families and communities continue to be subject to stigma, discrimination, and vilification. These harms have profound effects and are directly linked with high rates of suicidal distress. 

Katie Larsen, Mind’s Executive Director Lived Experience said Mind was proud to support the Changing the Landscape campaign, as a sector leader in providing peer-led support to people who are LGBTIQA+ and are having thoughts or intentions of suicide.

“We know from our LGBTIQA+ Aftercare service how important it is for LGBTIQA+ people who are having thoughts of suicide to access a support service designed for them by people who are also part of the LGBTIQA+ community and who understand the challenges faced by the community based on their own lived experience of thoughts of suicide.”

Changing the Landscape seeks foundational changes that will have significant and enduring impact for LGBTIQA+SB people and communities toward the prevention of suicide, the wellbeing of LGBTIQA+SB people impacted by suicide loss and those in our communities who provide care and support. 

The campaign calls for the suicide prevention, mental health, and broader healthcare sector to recognise and commit to:

  • Taking action to integrate the diverse expertise and lived experiences of LGBTIQA+SB people into all research, programs, policies and strategies. 
  • The need for LGBTIQA+SB community led suicide prevention responses, as a necessary complement to generalised services. 
  • working with LGBTIQA+SB communities around improved data collection to support robust suicide prevention responses.
  • Greater inclusion of LGBTIQA+SB people in the development and implementation of suicide prevention projects 
  • Greater investment in the voices of LGBTIQA+SB people with lived experience of suicide across all levels of governments, research, organisation and strategy.
  • Funding, recognition, support and value to be given to LGBTIQA+SB community-led work in suicide prevention, led by people with lived experience of suicide. 

Individuals and groups are encouraged to sign the Changing the Landscape Statement and the campaign also provides connection and support for LGBTIQA+SB people working in non-LGBTIQA+SB health organisations to become better advocates and build solidarity.

Changing the Landscape also encourages LGBTIQA+SB people with lived experiences of suicide, our friends, families and allies, to share their stories and experiences.

More information about Changing the Landscape Statement 

More information about Mind’s LGBTIQA+ Aftercare support service

Mind is a member of LGBTIQ+ Health Australia.

*Changing the Landscape use the acronym LGBTIQA+SB, which stands for Lesbian, Gay, Bi, Transgender, Intersex, Queer, Asexual, Sistergirl, Brotherboy +. The SB acknowledges the trans women and trans men within many Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Communities.