6 minute read

People now have the option of face to face support from Mental Health and Wellbeing Local services managed by Mind Australia.

The Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals in MeltonGreater Dandenong, and Greater Bendigo, Loddon, Campaspe have now begun outreach services in addition to telephone and telehealth support.

These services are in place while the permanent Mental Health and Wellbeing Local services are being developed.

Nahisha Williams-Wynn, the Service Manager for the Melton Mental Health and Wellbeing Local, said the option of face to face support was important as support over the phone or on a platform like ZOOM doesn’t suit everyone.

“There are older people, and people with multifaceted needs and vulnerabilities, who need face to face support. We now have the option to go and see them in their home or somewhere in the community if they prefer.”

People seeking support can phone their Mental Health and Wellbeing Local during business hours or email to make an appointment for face to face outreach support (see contact details below).

“People can talk to us about mental health challenges they are experiencing, whether they have an existing mental health condition or there might be aspects of their lives that they are struggling with, some stressors that are impacting their mental health,” Nahisha said.

It can make such a difference to have someone to talk to, to be listened to and heard.
- Nahisha Williams-Wynn, Service Manager

Nahisha said that financial hardship and isolation are two of the most common reasons people have sought support from their Mental Health and Wellbeing Local. 

“If someone is in distress we can have a chat and help them to talk about what’s going on and to think about what they might like to happen,” she said. “We can help them to reduce the stress they are feeling in the short term but also bridge the gap for them with the supports they need.”

The people working at Mental Health and Wellbeing Locals are qualified and experienced Mind community mental health practitioners and peer practitioners. 

“They work from a strengths based approach, have active listening skills and are warm and caring and easy to talk to,” Nahisha said. “It can make such a difference to have someone to talk to, to be listened to and heard.”

We provide support that might be a single phone conversation or it might be something that continues for months – it really depends on the situation.

All support is free, voluntary and easy to access, and you do not need a referral from your doctor to access help. 

Alongside Mind’s person-centred support services, people can access support from key regional health organisations, Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander health organisations and a variety of other targeted support organisations including LGBTIQA+ support across all regions from Thorne Harbour Health.

Contact details

People can also call 1800 332 501 to be connected with support in these areas.

People in other parts of Victoria can call 1300 375 330 or visit betterhealth.vic.gov.au/mhwlocal to be connected to their Local Service or Mental Health and Wellbeing Hub for support.

If you need help in your language, call TIS National on 131 450 and ask for an interpreter, then ask to be connected to Local Service on 1300 375 330. 

Local Services are not crisis services. In an emergency which is life-threatening or where there is immediate risk of harm to anyone, call Triple Zero (000). For 24-hour crisis support, call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders can also call 13 YARN on 13 92 76. 13 YARN is a 24/7 national crisis support telephone service staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

If this article raises concerns for you, please call Lifeline on 13 11 14. Aboriginal and Torres Straits Islanders can also call 13 YARN (13 92 76) a 24/7 national crisis support telephone service staffed by Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples. 
If you would like more information, please contact us.

1300 286 463 
[email protected]