Mind Australia provides counselling and peer support, respite and support groups for people caring for someone with mental health and wellbeing concerns. Family and carers are supported by dedicated Community Mental Health Practitioners, some of whom are peer workers who use their lived experience of being a mental health carer.
About Mind’s family and carer support services
Caring for someone with mental health and wellbeing concerns can be stressful, and sometimes you need support yourself.
Mind Australia offers a range of supports, including structured outings and activities for the person experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to allow their carer time away from caring duties.
Support includes options for fun and learning activities, wellbeing support, respite breaks away, and whole-of-family support. These supports are available across north-west and south-west metropolitan Melbourne.
If you call our Carer Helpline on 1300 554 660, we can help you identify which service will best suit your needs. Please note that not all options are available across all Mind services sites.
Eighty-four per cent of family members and carers who accessed Mind services agreed that they could make better decisions after receiving support. Seventy-seven per cent of participants said that they had an increased ability to cope.
Who are family and carer support services for?
This service is for:
- People who are caring for someone with mental health and wellbeing concerns
- People who live in north-west and south-west metropolitan Melbourne.
How do I register my interest for Mind’s family and carer support services?
Mind Australia’s family and carer support services are funded by the Department of Families, Fairness and Housing.
To learn more about Mind’s family and carer support services call 1300 554 660 or visit Contact us – Mind Australia.
Why choose Mind for family and carer support services?
Mind Australia supports people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to find help, hope and purpose in their lives.
We have been providing mental health and wellbeing support to people, and their families, friends and carers, for more than 45 years. We understand that every individual’s journey to a life of meaning and purpose is unique, which is why our services are flexible and offer genuine choice and control.
Some of our family and carer support staff have their own experience caring for someone with mental ill-health. We are a leading employer of people with lived experience, recognising their unique ability to connect with participants.
Contact details
Melbourne, VIC
1300 554 660
[email protected]
Funding types available
Age range
16-65 years old