Mind delivers the Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service (IPRSS) in eastern Adelaide – a community-based program that supports people recovering from mental health and wellbeing challenges to live safely and with independence in the community. 

The program helps clients find and maintain suitable housing, build the skills to get back to work or study, improve social relationships and develop the skills for daily and independent living. 

About the Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service: 

This program helps people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to feel more in control of their everyday life, learn the skills to become more independent and access support services in their community. 

The Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service can help with: 

  • living independently and skills for daily living 
  • finding and maintain suitable housing 
  • participating in social and community activities 
  • building resilience and coping skills 
  • learning and exploring new ideas for personal growth 
  • building skills to get back to work or study 
  • improving relationships 
  • having fun and connecting with others 
  • connecting with other services in the community that can assist in mental health recovery. 

An evaluation conducted with Mind Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service clients found considerable improvement in several areas of life, including: 

  • a 19 per cent improvement in goal setting 
  • a 16 per cent improvement in social inclusion, and 
  • a 12 per cent improvement in general health and wellbeing. 

The Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service is funded by SA Health. 

Who is the Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service for?

People who are aged 16 to 65, living in eastern Adelaide and are experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns. To be eligible, people must be referred by the Care Coordination Team working with the local Community Mental Health Team.

How do I register my interest in the Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service?

To access this program, you will need a referral from the Care Coordination Team working with the local Community Mental Health Team.
You can ask your psychiatrist, general practitioner or support worker to help you make contact with your local Community Mental Health Team.
To find out more about the Individual psychosocial rehabilitation support service, contact us via phone on 1300 286 463 or email [email protected]

Why choose Mind for psychosocial support services?

Mind Australia provides individualised, evidence-based and recovery focused support to more than 11,000 people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns in Australia every year.
Mind partners with health, community, and government organisations to provide holistic support and a safe environment for people experiencing mental health and wellbeing concerns to live in the community.
Mind is one of the largest providers of community-managed psychosocial services in Australia with a range of residential, mobile outreach, centre-based and online services.
We are a leading employer of people with lived experience of mental ill-health, recognising their unique ability to connect with and motivate clients and guide recovery.

Contact details

Eastern Adelaide, SA  
1300 286 463   
[email protected]


Funding types available



Up to 2 years

Age range

16-65 years old