Mind’s Wellbeing Support Program offers free therapeutic services to older persons living in residential Aged Care Facilities in South Australia’s Fleurieu Peninsula.
Mind Australia is funded by the Country SA Primary Health Network.
The Wellbeing Support Program assists individuals with:
- adjusting to the move into an aged care residence
- ongoing experience of mental illness, both historic and recent
- alcohol or other substance misuse and addiction
- concerns about relationships with family and friends
- dealing with trauma, grief, and loss.
Qualified mental health clinicians provide up to 10 sessions of support. Sessions are focused on identifying the needs of the individual and developing strategies that support their emotional wellbeing.
Who for:
Individuals residing in residential aged care facilities in the Fleurieu region of South Australia who are experiencing mild to moderate mental health concerns.
How to access:
The program is free to eligible clients within the region. Referrals can be accessed here and [email protected]
Outcome statement:
Your Mind practitioner will help you understand what might be getting in the way of you being able to get enjoyment out of life. They will also help you to develop the skills to increase your feelings of wellbeing.
The first appointment gives you the opportunity to speak about issues that are concerning you. You can then begin to develop skills to improve your quality of life.
Contact details
Fleurieu Peninsula, SA
1300 286 463
[email protected]
Funding types available
Up to 10 sessions